Solar panels that have reached the end of their life, damaged by typhoons, or replaced ...
Would you like to reuse and recycle the waste solar panels that will be generated in large quantities in the future rather than to reclaim them?
After consulting about the disposal of solar panels, we will select those that can be reused and recycled. In the case of reuse, it will be sold as a used panel. In the case of recycling, materials such as metal and glass are separated and reused as materials.
The operational life of solar panels is exceptionally long, and if no internal damage is sustained, while performance may decline, energy will continue to be generated. At HAMADA, we carefully select panels that can be reused and work to sell these overseas.
We cooperated with NPC Corporation to establish a unique solar panel recycling method. Disassembling each material improves the recycling rate and reduces the environmental burden.
Working towards the high-grade recycling of large quantities of waste, HAMADA received a subsidy to carry out research from 2015 to 2018.
The lifespan of solar panels is about 20 years. It is said that the disposal amount will increase from 2030, and will be about 200 times the amount of waste in 2018 by 2040. It is also predicted that the amount of waste will increase early due to work defects, natural disasters, and replacement because of “2019 Problem”.
※「2019 Problem」…The system of purchasing surplus electricity has started in 2009. The initial contractor will end in 2019. After the end of contracts, the power selling price will drop significantly. It may cause solar panel being removed earlier the lifespan。
■Inquiries by Google form(in Japanese)
■If you can't access Google form, please download and fill out the following sheet, and email to us.
□Download Solar-panel inquiry sheet(in Japanese)
■For urgent matters, please contact us by phone.
Operation Center:+81-72-686-3100
Working Towards a Recycling-Oriented Society that Effectively Uses the World's Limited Resources
From Buildings to the Removal of Mechanical Equipment
Separation and Disposal of Industrial Waste Zero-Emission Recycling
Lower Costs, Reduced Environmental Burden, and Business Continuity Planning
Always Looking for New Challenges
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