The time has ended when it was sufficient to simply consign a contractor to handle your waste. In working towards a properly operating corporation, from here on, it will be essential that companies address waste issues as a whole after gaining a solid understanding of current corporate conditions. That being said, it is common for companies to be too busy to deal with or not have enough time to study about industrial waste-related matters. For those plagued by issues like these, HAMADA Co., Ltd. offers support with analytical methods for and guidance on industrial waste. We will assist you in improving your work efficiency.
From the need for appropriately treating waste created from nationwide construction operations, we offer a point of contact to connect treatment centers with waste-discharging businesses.
[Merits]By linking up with Eco Staff Japan, a partner certified under the assessment system for excellence as a nationwide processor of industrial waste, we offer industrial waste treatment for every region of Japan.
LED light installation for 2000 nationwide supermarkets and convenience stores. Shop closure construction for 1000 restaurants and convenient stores
Maximum score | Score achieved | Converted score | Score rate | |
1. Condition of industrial waste storage | 15 | 17 | 11 | 74 |
2. Items, etc. that should be included in your consignment contract | 10 | 16 | 8 | 80 |
3. Manifests | 15 | 3 | 5 | 30 |
4. Workplaces with industrial waste treatment facilities requiring licenses | 15 | 2 | 6 | 40 |
5. Workplaces with specialized management of industrial waste emisions | 15 | 6 | 6 | 40 |
6. Workplaces qualifying as high volume emission businesses | 15 | 1 | 5 | 33 |
7. PCB waste storage operations | 15 | 10 | 13 | 87 |
Total | 100 | 55 | 53.6 |
Working Towards a Recycling-Oriented Society that Effectively Uses the World's Limited Resources
From Buildings to the Removal of Mechanical Equipment
Separation and Disposal of Industrial Waste Zero-Emission Recycling
Lower Costs, Reduced Environmental Burden, and Business Continuity Planning
Always Looking for New Challenges
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